Your condition can be assessed and managed at the comfort and safety of your own home via video/phone consultations (Telehealth). Check the Telehealth section for details.
Nerve pain can be very severe and debilitating. It may be associated with either a compressed or inflamed nerve.
In the early stages of acute nerve pain medical management is often required. The role of physiotherapy is to identify the reason why you have nerve pain and to manage the problem based on these findings.
The nerve pain may be related to:
Most nerve pain disorders resolve with good management.
Where there is a progressive loss of muscle power, skin sensation or altered bladder/bowel function, medical consultation is required.
At Body Logic Physiotherapy, our team will make a thorough examination and management plan for you.
Injuring yourself playing sport is frustrating and can lead to weeks and even months off the sporting field to recover. Every sport has different risks and varying injuries relating to that sport but at Body Logic Physiotherapy we do our best to help with getting you back as safe and as quick as possible.
It is important to consider all the factors that relate to the injury and then create an individualised program addressing all these issues.
We use all our resources to help develop the most updated and evidence based approach to getting back to sport. We use a combination of ideas that are also used at the West Coast Eagles Football Club, WAIS Track and Field and all our other elite affiliates that can be used for everyone we see regardless of what level of sport or activity they do.
Things we include in our sports injury treatments include
Our aim is to get people back to the exercise and sport they love and even help them improve the performance when they do return.
The great news is that there are lots of effective treatments that our physiotherapists at Body Logic Physiotherapy can offer for knee pain.
Firstly, we identify the key factors contributing to the pain and identify what structures are affected.
Secondly, we develop a plan to manage your knee pain. This will involve a graduated strengthening exercise program to the muscles that control your knee, and a plan to get you physically active based on your preference. It’s really important to get you fit, confident and strong as this results in pain relief and increased functional capacity.
For knee pain we also offer the GLA:D program.
Ankle injuries are extremely common, it has been suggested that ankle injuries account for 10-30% of all sports injuries. Lateral ankle sprains are the most common, accounting for 77% of all ankle sprains (Fong et al., 2007).
Early assessment and beginning a rehabilitation program is paramount to ensure appropriate return to sport and prevent re-sprain or further injury. The re-injury rates are reported to be as high as 34% (van Rijn et al., 2008).
If the rehabilitation is not adequate or the return to activity or sport is too rapid there is the potential for chronic ankle instability which can lead to early onset osteoarthritis (Harrington, 1979).
Treatment and rehabilitation needs to focus on restoring joint mobility, muscle length, muscle strength, joint stability and functional stability before a return to sport.
How can Body Logic Physiotherapy help you?
Mobile joints and ligament laxity always causes pain
Mobile joints means that I can’t control my body
Mobile joints are for life
Ligament laxity and joint hypermobility is really common in all young females (children and adolescents)
Its really helpful if you want to dance and do gymnastics
Our research has show that it doesn’t cause chronic back or neck pain
It can increase the risk for strains and injury to the shoulders, ankles and knees if the muscles around the joints are strong and well coordinated
How can BodyLogic Physiotherapy help you?
We can help you identify the factors linked to your pain
We can give you exercise programs to get you really strong and in control of your body to do the things you love to do.
Mobile joints and ligament laxity always causes pain
Mobile joints means that I can’t control my body
Mobile joints are for life
Ligament laxity and joint hypermobility is really common in all young females (children and adolescents)
Its really helpful if you want to dance and do gymnastics
Our research has show that it doesn’t cause chronic back or neck pain
It can increase the risk for strains and injury to the shoulders, ankles and knees if the muscles around the joints are strong and well coordinated
How can BodyLogic Physiotherapy help you?
We can help you identify the factors linked to your pain
We can give you exercise programs to get you really strong and in control of your body to do the things you love to do.
Your Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the most used joint in the body. Your TMJs (jaw joints) are involved with eating, talking, breathing and, probably most importantly, expressing our feelings and emotions. When it is affected in its ability to function normally, it is known as Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD).
How does TMD present?
People often seek help with their jaw for a variety of reasons and it does not always involve pain. Common complaints include:
It is important to know that headaches, ear pain dizziness and upper neck pain often accompany jaw pain.
The physiotherapists at Body Logic are able to identify the cause as well as the contributing factors of your presentation. Just to name a few: Dental surgery, prolonged mouth opening e.g. dental procedure, poor cervical posture, myofascial pain, stress and trauma.
TMJ treatment and exercises to address:
Your specific management will be individualised according to your presenting problem.
The Myths about TMJ pain:
You just have to live with it.
All TMJ pain complaints need a splint.
Clicking and popping sounds of the jaw are a sign of damage.
TMJ is caused by grinding your teeth.
TMJ pain will go away once you rest your jaw.
The facts about TMJ pain:
The temporomandibular joint is the most used joint in your body.
Teeth alignment, orthodontic treatment, teeth grinding, trauma, poor health and nutrition, and joint laxity are known contributing factors.
TMJ pain is usually linked to things like: being stressed and tense, run down, sleeping poorly, and low mood.
People often seek help with their jaw for a variety of reasons and it does not always involve pain.
Common complaints include clicking, popping sounds of the jaw, grinding/clenching, limited opening, and pain with eating/chewing.
TMJ pain can affect your jaw, ears, head, and more.
How can Body Logic Physiotherapy help you?
Identify the factors linked to your jaw pain or limitation.
Set a plan to help you control your pain. This might involve hands on work, but always an active management plan.
Take you on a journey of understanding why it your jaw is sore and what we can do to help you.
Whiplash means your neck is damaged
With whiplash you need to rest and avoid moving to let your neck heal
Whiplash needs a lot of treatment
Whiplash can be scary and painful – but it rarely results long term damage to the neck structures
Whiplash is associated with a strain to the soft tissues (ie muscles and ligaments) that gets better with the right treatment
Resting, worrying, protecting the neck and avoiding movement is the worst thing to do following whiplash
Too much treatment can make things worse
How can BodyLogic Physiotherapy help you?
We can provide you strategies to relax your neck, be confident, get it strong and moving normally again
We can help get you back to the things you love as quick as possible
We don’t over treat whiplash – we know it doesn’t help.
Find the service you need below
Shenton Park
215 Nicholson Road
Shenton Park
Clinic Hours
Monday – Thursday:
7:00am – 7:00pm
7:00am – 6:30pm
8:00am – 1:00 pm
2 / 328 Stirling Hwy
Clinic Hours
Monday – Thursday:
7:00am – 7:00pm
7:00am – 5:30pm
8:00am – 12:00pm